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Nov 30, 2020

This Advent season we take our eyes off of the things of this world and fix our eyes on our Savior who has come and is coming again! This week, Pastor Matt began our sermon series, "Who is the Lord? That I should obey His voice and trust Him as King?" Genesis 4 and Hebrews 12:18-28. 

Nov 23, 2020

The book of Exodus sheds light on the church’s grand mission but it also reveals what kind of God the Lord is. In Exodus, we see that He is one who pursues His glory and our good and He makes Himself known in Christ Jesus. This week, Pastor Matt continues in our sermon series, "Exodus - The God Who Makes Himself...

Nov 17, 2020

From our series, "Exodus - The God Who Makes Himself Known." Exodus 4:18-31

Nov 9, 2020

From our series, "Exodus - The God Who Makes Himself Known." Exodus 4:10-17

Nov 3, 2020

From our series "The Church - The Gospel Made Visible." 1 Corinthians 5:1-11.